About Us
Founded in 1998 the Center for Friction Stir Processing (CFSP) has strived to broaden the application and scope of Friction Stir Welding and Processing (FSWP) technologies along with their variants. The CFSP consists of highly experienced professors and students, along with cutting edge industrial sponsors. We strive to be at the forefront of FSWP technology and are constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve said technology. Our objective is to provide high quality and meaningful research for the benefit of our industrial sponsors and the community at large. Most recently the CFSP has initiated several projects into Additive Friction Stir Deposition (AFSD) with hopes of developing that technology even further.
We consider out industrial sponsors to be an integral part of our ability to generate high quality and meaningful research. We strive to ensure that sponsors project needs are met while also providing unique benefits and services a part joining the CFSP.
Membership in the CFSP includes the following benefits:
- Access to a leading community of FSWP researchers and practitioners.
- Semiannual technical meetings where current issues in FSWP are discussed
- An annual technical report detailing the results of all Center projects
- Access to all Center-developed intellectual property according to the Membership Agreement and Bylaws
- Access to results of approximately a million dollars of sponsored research each year
- The ability to help select and direct Center research
- Access to graduate and undergraduate students for internships and post-graduate employment
We are always looking for more industrial sponsors or Universities to join the CFSP. On the bottom of this page you will find lists of our current industrial sponsors and participating universities. If you have an interest in joining the CFSP, click the button below to learn more information.